Census Date Information
for domestic student in Australia

The census date is a crucial deadline for domestic students studying in Australia. It marks the last day you can finalize your enrolment, including your unit selection and any financial arrangements. After this date, your enrolment status is locked in, and you become financially liable for the units you’re enrolled in. 

  1. Financial Liability: If you are enrolled in a unit on the census date, you will be required to pay for that unit. This applies to both full-fee paying students and those accessing government financial assistance such as FEE-HELP. 
  1. Withdrawal Without Penalty: You can withdraw from units before the census date without incurring financial penalties. After this date, withdrawing from a unit may still be possible, but you will be liable for the unit fees, and it may affect your academic record. 
  1. Student Learning Entitlement (SLE): Your Student Learning Entitlement, which determines your access to Commonwealth Supported Places, is only reduced if you are enrolled in a unit on the census date. 
  • Confirm Your Enrolment: Ensure that all the units you intend to study are correctly listed in your enrolment. This is your last chance to make changes without financial penalty. 
  • Check Your Financial Assistance: Make sure your FEE-HELP arrangements are finalised if you’re using government assistance. Ensure all forms are submitted and accurate to avoid unexpected charges. 
  • Understand the Consequences of Withdrawal: If you are considering withdrawing from a unit, do so before the census date to avoid financial penalties and academic impact. 
  • Census dates vary depending on the course and institution. Typically, it falls within the first few weeks of the semester. It’s vital to check the specific census date for each of your units, as missing this deadline can have significant consequences. 
  • Financial Commitment: After the census date, you are fully committed to paying for the units you are enrolled in. 
  • No Refunds for Withdrawal: Withdrawing from units after the census date means you will not receive a refund and may also receive a Withdrawn Fail (WF) grade, which can impact your academic record. 
  • Impact on SLE and HELP Balance: Your Student Learning Entitlement (SLE) and HELP balance will be affected based on your enrolment as of the census date. 
Need Help ?

If you have questions or need assistance, contact our student support team via email sso@cihe.edu.au well before the census date. They can guide you through the process and help ensure that you meet all necessary deadlines.