My eQuals

Digital copies of official documents are now available to CIHE graduates through My eQuals.

What is My eQuals?

My eQuals is a secure and trusted provider of certified digital document services. My eQuals is an online service allowing Education Providers, such as Crown Institute of Higher Education, to issue secure digital certified academic documents.  The recipients of these documents (students and graduates) can access and share them with third parties.

How will I access my digital qualifications?

If you are eligible to receive digital academic documents from UNE, you will be sent an email with a personalised link. The email will provide you with all the information you need to access your digital documents. If using My eQuals for the first time you will need to register. You will then receive a second email with a link to activate your account. During the setup, you will be required to use your personal email address and set your own password.